Narveer Singh

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Actionable SEO Techniques for Organic Traffic

15 Actionable SEO Techniques For More Organic Traffic In 2021

Millions of blogs, videos & tons of tutorials are available over the internet…

and it’s very hard and time taking to find exact SEO techniques and…

…step by step SEO knowledge for many especially if you are a beginner or if you are facing problems to get practical SEO approach and

want live audit whatever any Google Update.

Google algorithm is changing rapidly and it’s highly important to stay on top…

and updated with new and various google updates to make sure your business always grow.

Today I will share 15 Advanced Actionable SEO Techniques and strategies for more organic traffic which will also help you to rank high in Google. 

I will show you the exact SEO Techniques which helps you to rank higher.

Now a days, many small businesses starts using using black hat seo techniques to gain advantage…

but I will always suggest you to go with White hat SEO techniques instead of black hat SEO.

Through these actionable SEO techniques, you will learn a lot about white hat SEO techniques…

and when you implement these latest strategies and methods

your traffic will start to increase…

Lot of businesses are building their SEO strategies around these effective techniques…

and it will generate a tremendous results for them.

Let’s Start –


Basics and Definition

What Is SEO?

The art and science of “Optimizing” your website (both internally and externally) so that it ranks higher in the natural/organic listings of a search engine.

Why We Need SEO? & Scope of SEO?

SEO is a part of Inbound marketing technique and in simple language, When Some is searching about something on google. It’s means they are highly Required.

And Internet users increasing day by day… 

and everything is going online.

and most important thing “Google” maximum ROI comes from Search engine. So Scope is high…

Example –

 – SEO Agency In Delhi

 – SEO Agency In South Delhi

SEO Success Factors??

SEO Is Divided Into Two Part

On-Page Optimization

The art and science of “Optimizing” your website internally so that it ranks higher in the natural/organic listings of a search engine.

Off-Page Optmization

The art and science of “Optimizing” your website externally so that it ranks higher in the natural/organic listings of a search engine.

Let's Start The Techniques

1. Site Navigation & Architecture

Site navigation is one of those areas that has many facets of importance when it comes to both SEO and usability. 

A good site navigation makes it easier for Google to crawl and index a site…

but it also needs to be usable for visitors to the site, 

since many use that same navigation to find their way around a site.

Why Does Site Navigation Matter so Much for SEO? … 

For user experience, the global nav links tell a visitor or prospect…

which pages you consider the most important on your site. 

It gives them an easy way to get to those pages and sets the tone for what they’ll find throughout.

Category and Content or Product Pages

Your category archives are essential for SEO

In fact, especially for eCommerce sites, they can be more important than individual pages and posts. 

Those archives should be the first result in the search engines… 

they’re landing pages. 

If your site is a shop and your products change, your categories are more important.

When improving category pages (or any page), 

don’t resort to adding more text by default. Think about why users are there in the first place and build around that.


The term Siloing originated as a way to identify the concept of grouping related information…

into distinct sections within a website.

Much like the chapters in a book, a silo represents a group of themed or subject-specific content on your site.

SEO Siloing is a best practice for how a website should be structured. 

Siloing is the act of dividing a website’s content into different categories and 

subcategories — groupings known as silos

Sorting and linking related pages means a website will carry more clout in search engine rankings, and index your web content.


2. Mobile Friendly & AMP

The main benefit of AMP is speed. 

If your website is currently super slow-loading for users on a 3G mobile connection… 

then you will notice an instant improvement in load speed times through using AMP.

A responsive page or a mobilefriendly page is the same page of the website which is served in a different layout. 

The pages get displayed according to the device from which they are accessed. 

AMP pages are served to the user from the Google AMP cache. AMP pages have a different URL.

3. Site Load Time

In 2010, Google announced that page speed… 

would impact your website ranking. 

It actually refers to the time a visitor have to wait until your page is completely loaded.

On average, a page load for e-commerce website takes 7 seconds… 

meanwhile the ideal load time is around 3 seconds or less.

4. Keywords Research

Keyword research is a practice search engine optimization… 

professionals use to find and research alternative search terms that people enter into search engines 

while looking for a similar subject.

Keyword research is an SEO practice of finding, analyzing and using the phrases…

people use to search for information on the internet. 

In other words, it is about getting to know the language of your potential visitors and 

using this knowledge to optimize your content.

5. LSI Keywords

LSI keywords are words semantically related to your main keyword. 

They are words that are often found together with your keyword they share the same context. For example:

Latent semantic indexing (LSI) is a system search engines use.. 

to analyze the other words people use surrounding a given topic. 

LSI keywords are words and phrases with a high degree of correlation to your target topic. 

Google’s algorithm uses them to help determine content quality and relevance to the search term.

6. URL's Structure

URLs should be definitive but concise. 

By seeing only the URL, a user (and search engine!) should have a good idea 

of what to expect on the page. 

When necessary for readability, use hyphens to separate words. 

URLs should not use underscores, spaces, or any other characters to separate words.

7. Content Creation

 – Keyphrase in the First Paragraph: Keyphrase in the introduction
 – Keyphrase in subheading: Try to create min 2-5 subheading
 – Keyphrase length: Min 2 words to 5 words

 – Outbound links: If possible refer min 1 nofollow link to relevant other website/blogs 

 – Internal links: Link other related pages like wikipedia
 – Image alt attributes: Use Keywords 

 – Content length: 700 words to 2500 words 

 – Keyphrase density: 5-10%

8. Meta Tag (Page Titles & Description)

Meta tags are invisible tags that provide data 

about your page to search engines and website visitors. 

In short, they make it easier for search engines to determine what 

your content is about, 

and thus are vital for SEO.

9. Use Heading ('H') Tags

Heading tags are indicators used in HTML… 

to help structure your webpage from an SEO point of view, as well as helping Google to read your piece of content. 

Heading tags range from H1-H6 and form a hierarchical structure to your page.

Heading tags provide structure to an HTML file, 

and specify what type of data the browser should display. 

How the data is to be displayed, for example font size or colors should be determined in the CSS files. 

The use of heading tags is a must if you want to display text content.

10. Anchor Text

Anchor text is the clickable text in a hyperlink. 

SEO best practices dictate that anchor text be relevant to the page 

you’re linking to, rather than generic text.

Anchor text is the clickable text in a hyperlink. SEO best practices dictate that anchor text be relevant to the page you’re linking to, 

rather than generic text. The blue, underlined anchor text is the 

most common as it is the web standard, although it is possible to change the color and underlining through html code.

11. Internal Links

Internal links are links that go from one page on a domain 

to a different page on the same domain. They are commonly used in main navigation. 

These type of links are useful for three reasons: They allow users to navigate a website. 

Internal links also connect your content and give Google an idea 

of the structure of your website. They can establish a hierarchy on your site, 

allowing you to give the most important pages and posts more link value than other, less valuable, pages. 

So using the right internal linking strategy can boost your SEO!

12. Competitors Analysis

Competitor analysis in marketing and strategic management is an 

assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of current and potential competitors. 

This analysis provides both an offensive and defensive strategic context to identify opportunities and threats.

SEO competitive analysis involves researching the links, keywords, content, and more of your SEO competitors… 

in order to reverse-engineer the most successful elements of these tactics into your own SEO strategy.

13. Do-follow Vs No-follow Backlinks

Dofollow links are those links which do not contain Rel=”Nofollow” attribute. 

These links have the potential to improve the ranking & credibility of your website in search engines. 

If a webmaster is linking back to you with this type of link, 

then both Search Engine and Humans will be able to follow you. 

100 Backlinks= 80 Do Follow +20 No Follow

14. Brand Name Mentions With Links

That’s right––social proof can be an SEO technique. The trick is to get more brand mentions online to skyrocket your rankings.

15. Avoid Buying Backlinks

Don’t try to buy links from other sites for getting backlinks. 

Sometimes, you may get banned from Search Engines for doing so. 

SEs only love natural links. Specially, Google made 

it very clear that selling and buying links are considered as spam and should be avoided.

These are some of the important points…

where you should focus on and it will really change your SEO game forever.

If you have any more important point to share, 

just share in the comment section and we will update our list.
